Submit a Prayer Request

Our staff and prayer team would love to come alongside you to pray in agreement.

Take a moment to pray with someone on this prayer wall

The list will update every week during 21 Days of Prayer

8/1/24 - 8/7/24

  1. Prayers for my adult kids and their faith walk. Their hearts, minds and souls.
  2. Business growth and children's salvation.
  3. Salvation for my brother and dad. Lord softened their hearts and bring them close to you. Let them know you are safe and powerful and Lord over all. Lead them to know you,truly. Amen.
  4. For my children to thrive with love and happiness and for our lives, to be filled with peace and happiness. For storms to calm and our worries eliminated.
  5. Bless and increase period Dan and his family. Heal them, protect them only you can do. I thank you in advance. 
  6. I pray for clarity over our lives. Doors open and doors closed. Give all control to God.
  7. Heal all of my body.
  8. I pray for the (family)  as they bury their Aunt. That peace and love shines Saturday at her services. Amen. 
  9. Pray for healing for my back and hips.
  10. Healing for this person's legs and knees. 
  11. Prayer for our marriage that needs selflessness, understanding, unity and stewardship.
  12. Salvation for my family: daughter, stepdaughter, and mother in law. 
  13. My sister is serving time for something that happened a long time ago. She now has 2 kids. I pray for her reconsideration or for her to get let out on parole she knows to go whatever God takes her. 
  14. Father, I pray over my daughter's salvation! May she turn towards you and quit running. Lord I pray your provision over her mental health as well!!
  15. Take my health more seriously. I have heart disease and lung disease. 
  16. I praying for my mom Laura. That she had a great school year. And her students are nice to her. And that she gets that God loves her. 
  17. My best friend gave birth to a beautiful baby girl but she has some complications. Pray for healing and for everything to grow perfectly. 
  18. Sister recently moved out of town. Struggling to find shelter for her and her children. 
  19. Prayers for all that think they lost God's love for they need to know God's love is for us all.
  20. Thank you for coming into Anamosa Penitentiary. It's the best thing going on here. Thank God for sparing Donald Trump's life.
  21. Prayers for my family. Lord, come into their hearts.
  22. My parents–mom tends to worry even though she believes in God. She needs to feel secure in You. Healing for daddy's stroke and spiritual strength.
  23. Please pray for next steps. As the Lord is transitioning me out of this current season into a new one, pray I lean into His guidance and that my first response is obedience.
  24. Prayers for any family dealing with addictions, it destroys families. God wants so much more for all of these families and children.
  25. Please pray for my dad. His name is Gage. That he gets out of jail and be good.
  26. Break the chains of depression and animosity in my family. Lord, give vision for my family and help us remain fortified in Jesus.
  27. Prayers for elizabeth against the spirit of suicide, strength for her.
  28. Prayers against the bad habits that take me away from growing in the Lord.For others whose addictions are killing them. Chad and Jordan.
  29. Prayers for the system to not take as long for mandatory sentencing. Pray for me as I am going through this process. And everyone else that maybe is going through it, too.
  30. Prayers that God can help me with my mind, body and soul.Thank you, Jesus.
  31. Thank you for all you do for me and my family. I'm asking you to continue to work with us all.
  32. Heavenly father, please be with my husband and guide us through his health journey and also open some doors of employment for him that utilizes his gifts.
  33. To help my cat feel better.
  34. For my little brother Jordan to quit using meth and come back to God. For Jordan's girlfriend to also quit, so she can get back to her relationship with Jesus and so her kids don't suffer.
  35. Paxton has a dental procedure on 8/13. He has to have four teeth pulled. Prayer for peace, leading up to this and for things to go smoothly.
  36. Be fully free from my addiction to p*** and masturbation.That the lord set me free from it.
  37. My uncle's new wife just found out she has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. God, please hold them close and bless the time they have together, strengthen them and be near Lord.
  38. Thank you, father. I am grateful for who I've become. I pray for the doubt I may have. Teach me to say thank you. Instead of asking again and again. I pray I can trust in you God.
  39. Sister recently moved out of town, struggling to find shelter for her and her children.
  40. I am taking in a newborn while mom is incarcerated.I pray for guidance in a healthy baby and strength.
  41. Prayers for daughter and granddaughter who suffer from an autoimmune system.That isn't working.Please heal them so God can be given the glory.
  42. Increase my prayer and study time make you my first and last of each day.Find reasonable auto insurance.
  43. Prayer for my adult kids in their faith walk their hearts, minds and souls.
  44. Pray that the judge may have mercy and allow my motion for a new trial and that my lawyer may have the wisdom and the Holy Spirit to advocate on my behalf.
  45. Asking prayers for her loneliness and courage to start college.
  46. That this church would continue to be a center of healing, forgiveness, joy, fellowship, gifting, and salvation.May our joy be infectious to each other.The community, the state and the world.
  47. We face a lot of uncertainty, and we pray to walk in his will and his grace. 
  48. My sister and her children prayers for comfort, safety,wisdom and love and to be brave as she goes through an ugly divorce. Pray for her husband and for healing.
  49. For the kids at our church, to know God and build a relationship with Him and to have a sound mind and to be able to talk to him and worship him freely.
  50. Pray for our children.Pray for our young mothers.The world has been ugly. Our God is still good. Lift our future up in His name.
  51. I need prayers as on 8/30.It will be my first audition for a community theater play that I get a role or make it.
  52. To have a good day.
  53. Prayers, for Lori, she is going through depression season.She needs motivation to get up and do things.
  54. To not be scared of the dark.
  55. Prayers of healing for my sister's hip. For her son, for her granddaughter. Praise for her granddaughter is getting baptized.
  56. Cover all my family.I pray in Jesus name.Thank you in advance.
  57. Prayers for new opportunities. For face to face visitation and when going into weight yard.
  58. For my friend Ashley to straighten out her life, for my sister to quit smoking, for my dad to finally get out of prison.It has been 21 years.
  59. For a broken marriage, how to heal, and what are the next steps. For God to take his addictions of p*** and other women, alcohol away and fill him with the desire to know the Lord.
  60. Prayers for Becky's rest and feeling better.She was missed by all renew her joy and peace.
  61. Prayers for Anthony's father, he just found out he has cancer in his neck.Pray that he gets better and does not get worse.
  62. Pray.The lord continues to guide us and purify us.Pray.The Lord continues to give us good news to our hope city church groups.
  63. For my bride, that this next year would be her best. For my in laws to fully know Jesus. For Sharon to be totally healed to finish a race at full strength.
  64. God, can you please ask my dad to make us get another dog.
  65. For my dog.
  66. Deeper faith, moderation, focus on the right priorities, manage stress, putting God first.
  67. I pray for confidence through you and your spirit. I have let fear drive many of my actions and decisions. I pray for both faith to step in and let go of my worry for control and to know whatever you have for me is good.
  68. Please pray for my son to return to his one's strong faith and for his wife's salvation.
  69. Pray for Jensen, that she doesn't get burnt out while serving us at KidsCity.
  70. Read on from my past and addictions.
  71. For god to heal my mom's body in her legs.I forgot to rebuild my relationship with my son.
  72. My parents are looking to move–need a house within budget and wish list items. It has taken a toll on Dad's health. I'm worrying about it.
  73. Prayer for Karen, she is jobless homeless facing criminal charges and divorce. She has been redeemed recently.She needs support and community.
  74. Bless my wife to work in the area of her assignment from God. Financial provision to make it work. Healing from all addiction I have. See my little ones come to know God fully.
  75. Praying for more understanding in God's purpose over my life, lately.I have been seeing signs in my life.Help me with discernment on God's voice and what it is he is trying to show me.
  76. Prayers to overcome suicide thoughts, loneliness, anxiety help with codependency.
  77. Prayers for wisdom, knowledge and understanding also for God's anointing for what he called me.
  78. Healing prayers for Deanne who suffers from Lyme Disease.
  79. Kid named Jaden who is hearing voices and distraught.
  80. Prayers for Karah that she is free from demons.
  81. For Victor as he heads to school in Springfield. For Faith as she heads into her senior year. For injury free seasons and for them both to be blessings to their teams.
  82. For our daughter to return to the Lord.
  83. For my little brother Evan.
  84. Kemani, 2 years old with Cerebral Palsy. Let God’s will be done and her parents good strength and peace.
  85. Revival in Missouri
  86. Daughter would have a safe school year.Wouldn’t have to miss as much work to come get her.
  87. My relationship to be more Christ centered. My kids salvation
  88. For provision, favor, and wisdom.
  89. Prayers for Elizabeth. That she can be joyful without suicidal thoughts.
  90. For the 2024 school year, for all God’s children to be safe and covered in God’s name.
  91. Pray that I would have less of me and more of Jesus in every area of my life.
  92. Prayer to receive God’s comfort over my family and girl with them grieving. They need strength and joy.
  93. Pray for more people to be involved with Hope City’s groups here at Anamosa State Prison.
  94. For my family in Texas and New Orleans as my Aunt goes through transitioning places. Keep the family peaceful and stay in love in Jesus Name.
  95. Dontrell and Mandy. Strength in their marriage.Pray for them to have a breakthrough in righteousness.
  96. Pray for my baby friend named Hadlie. She was born with a sickness. I want to pray for her to get better.
  97. Prayer of protection over BJ and Sarah who live in Florida and are facing a hurricane and possible flooding. Prayer for all those affected.
  98. I want to stop being afraid of dancing in front of people.
  99. Father be with my family as we prepare to say goodbye to my Auntie. Be with her children and husband. Give them the peace, comfort, and strength they need. Thank You for 90 years of her beautiful, faithful life. Amen.
  100. That our children would embrace the lessons of their youth and cast aside the ways of this culture.
  101. Continued growth in love for my wife
  102. For our country to be healed.
  103. Unity for our nation.
  104. Ryan, Casey, Rowan, for them all to know Christ as their Savior.
  105. For my family to draw near to God so we can grow together and not apart.
  106. My Stepmother is a Jehovah’s Witness and now has dementia. Pray for the salvation of both her and my dad before the disease consumes her.
  107. For my brother to overcome addiction, and for him to be the father he didn’t have for his daughter.
  108. For my parents and grandparents to really know God and come close to Him.
  109. The Hope City pastors, employees, and their families. Inspire them, nourish them and refresh them.
  110. Sister been having health issues.
  111. Asking that You not only heal, but restore my faith. I need healing for the pain that brought me closer to You.
  112. I pray I get a baby chin-chila… age:11
  113. Pray for Jensen and my mom… age:6
  114. Overflow of people at both our campuses
  115. Help to take care of my body better.
  116. For more leaders to rise up from both campuses.
  117. My son Cameron is going off to college. Cover him in your prayers. That he is safe. He needs to stay focused on his studies. That everything gets paid. That he understands his assignment.
  118. I need for You to protect all of my family and friends, and their extended family from all evil.
  119. Jackie needs a new job.
  120. Please pray for peace and comfort over my family, having alot of worry and doubt. I need strength and healing… I'm struggling with staying strong in my faith.
  121. Friend struggling with mental illness.
  122. She is asking for prayer for her husband, Dennis is held in bondage of addiction.
  123. She is coming up on one year of loss of daughter, uplift her and her family.
  124. I’m asking for prayers for my daughter Destiny. She be set free with Jesus. Free from toxic abusive relationship and codependency.
  125. His friends Al needs prayer to lift his spirits. Also praise to the Lord.
  126. Pray for our son Michael and his girlfriend Amanda. Pray for healing for Amanda.
  127. Pray for my two boys that they don’t struggle with school.
  128. My friend, Alex has had alot of pain, with no answers.
  129. Father, I pray for healing over my relationship. Pride has caused damage, that I am praying can be healed. Help me step into who You’ve called me to be.
  130. Healing of my elbow pain; lack of strength
  131. Healing for my toe.
  132. Brother and sister to rediscover you.
  133. Help discover Your will for my life
  134. Unity and care for others in our Nation.
  135. Lord raise up more leaders and ministers
  136. Pray for my good friend experiencing attacks from the enemy.
  137. J.B. is going to be with the Lord. He has cancer. Pray for no fear and give him peace.
  138. For my Pastors: Q, Ang, Dustin, Mason, and their families.
  139. For Waterloo and CF Staff
  140. Supernatural growth in this next season.
  141. New friend came to church for the first time today. May she be wrapped in the arms of the Lord.
  142. Pray for us men at Anamosa State Prison, you all at Hoe City and for this Country.
  143. For the right people to have a heart for starting a daycare/preschool through Hope City! The community needs it!
  144. For Devyn and Elizabeth to be rescued from their situation.
  145. Pray for direction
  146. Healing for a meniscus sprain in Victor's left knee.
  147. Finances - hospital bills, vehicle, etc..
  148. My health and reignited fire for God
  149. I have a thyroid condition, I need prayer for my health. 
  150. Keep my mother strong who just quit smoking after 60 years. Pray for health
  151. Pray for Gage Bondy that he can hear the Lord and find his worth and purpose.
  152. My mom, her health
  153. My daughter's son to turn to the Lord.
  154. My son struggles with thoughts of depression and not feeling good enough.
  155. My husband's U.S. citizenship 
  156. Pray for my niece and nephew who are without their mother for a moment. That God would fill them with His love
  157. In need of financial breakthrough and success in my business after years of trying.
  158. Pray that my brother gets home from prison soon and stays on the right path.
  159. Pray for my Aunt and cousin… My uncle took his own life 3 weeks ago.
  160. Grandson to remember God’s faithfulness
  161. Increase my faith beyond my expectations.
  162. Healing of my shoulder.
  163. Provision for my family and housing by October 1st.
  164. For my son to not get bullied at school. Take away his fear of dying.
  165. God pours out His anointing on us to accomplish what He has placed before us.
  166. I’m asking that I can have a close relationship with my daughter and grandkids.
  167. That God’s favor opens doors for those who love Him.
  168. Healing for our Pastors and anything they struggle with.
  169. True joy for our teams
  170. Growth in our knowledge of God as a Church.
  171. Pray for my husband's mental health regarding his very stressful job.
  172. Pray for conception for a couple in our church.
  173. Husband died. Needs her family to rally around her.
  174. For my inner peace keeping me from not having patience. Not to be so angry with my kids, but patient, safe, and happy.
  175. For my daughter Jaime to shine, be good and happy while I am in prison.
  176. Pray that the schemes of the evil one would not prosper.
  177. For my family to know God.
  178. For Levi Trelka’s knee surgery. Speedy recovery.
  179. For a helpmate
  180. Protection over the Thomas family. For God’s will to be done and the enemy’s plan crumble.