Our Team

Central Staff

Cedar Heights Staff

High Street Staff

Our Leadership

At Hope City Church, we believe those who invest in the church deserve confidence in its leadership. To ensure we make decisions with integrity, wisdom, and accountability, we’ve put trusted teams in place to provide oversight and guidance, helping us remain aligned with God’s vision and faithfully steward the resources entrusted to us.

The Business Advisory Team are members of the congregation appointed by the Lead Pastor to oversee the finances by providing godly advice and accountability for the financial needs of the church. They provide counsel to the Lead Pastor regarding the major financial commitments of the church.

The role of the Board of Directors is to ensure that the vision, mission, direction, and health of Hope City Church is executed in accordance with the Bible and plan that has been set in place by the Lead Pastor and staff.

The Pastoral Advisory Counsel team are three pastors of respected congregations and ministries who love Hope City Church and its Lead Pastor and are willing to provide spiritual protection to the church. They may be called upon to help in accountability matters relating to the Lead Pastor if requested to do so by the Pastoral staff or BAT. The PAC Team serve as Apostolic Elders.